Learning, Teaching, Training Activity FINMAN – June 2022
From 31st May to 2nd June 2022, CBE hosted the FINMAN project’s training event in Brussels. The purpose of the meeting was to present the modules produced by the partnership and how they were taught to the project’s target group.
Advice and suggestions also emerged during the meeting, which highlighted the next steps to be taken in future planned activities.
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Advice and suggestions also emerged during the meeting, which highlighted the next steps to be taken in future planned activities.
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Intervista Diane le Grelle – June 2022
On 24th June 2022, CBE had the pleasure of meeting Diane le Grelle, an entrepreneur and business woman who started her own handicraft business a year ago.
During an Erasmus in India in 2014, Diane began to get close to Oriental art and culture with which she immediately established a deep emotional connection. The Roseta Design project then slowly took shape, particularly thanks to the fascination she developed for the traditional art of block printing, which Diane now uses to make her products.
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During an Erasmus in India in 2014, Diane began to get close to Oriental art and culture with which she immediately established a deep emotional connection. The Roseta Design project then slowly took shape, particularly thanks to the fascination she developed for the traditional art of block printing, which Diane now uses to make her products.
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Learning, Teaching, Training Activity ENGINE – May 2022
From 23rd to 25th May 2022, Fondazione Luigi Clerici hosted a class of students from all over Europe in the fascinating location Domus Stella Maris in Ancona.
The participants had the opportunity to test the material produced by the ENGINE project and the educational platform implemented as the latest result of the project.
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The participants had the opportunity to test the material produced by the ENGINE project and the educational platform implemented as the latest result of the project.
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Transnational project meeting FAIRLY – May 2022
The third Transnational project meeting of the FAIRLY project coordinated by Hibis was held in Oslo, the last 23rd of May.
During this meeting, the partners of the Fairly project, the Italian – Luxembourgish chamber of commerce, DomSpain, Varna Economic Development Agency (VEDA), Hibis and the Italian Salesian Women’s Works Centre – Professional Training Piedmont (CIOFS) had the occasion to discuss the status of the project.
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During this meeting, the partners of the Fairly project, the Italian – Luxembourgish chamber of commerce, DomSpain, Varna Economic Development Agency (VEDA), Hibis and the Italian Salesian Women’s Works Centre – Professional Training Piedmont (CIOFS) had the occasion to discuss the status of the project.
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Learning, Teaching, Training Activity SYNOPSIS – May 2022
From 9th to 12nd May 2022 the Learning Training and Teaching Activity of the SYNOPSIS project took place in Turin, under the coordination of the Musei Reali di Torino.
The activity was essential for the testing and revision of the different modules produced by the project, necessary to offer high quality training in storytelling and fundraising in the cultural sector, specifically for managers and staff of cultural heritage organisations, vocational education and training (VET) providers, young graduates, policy makers and public institutions managing cultural heritage sites.
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The activity was essential for the testing and revision of the different modules produced by the project, necessary to offer high quality training in storytelling and fundraising in the cultural sector, specifically for managers and staff of cultural heritage organisations, vocational education and training (VET) providers, young graduates, policy makers and public institutions managing cultural heritage sites.
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Learning, Teaching, Training Activity ENSURE – May 2022
From 3rd to 6th May 2022, the first planned face-to-face activity of the ENSURE project took place in Budapest.
The learning activity was crucial to test the material created with Intellectual Output 1, i.e. a course for teachers and trainers of new entrepreneurs in the circular economy, with a special focus on plastic recycling.
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The learning activity was crucial to test the material created with Intellectual Output 1, i.e. a course for teachers and trainers of new entrepreneurs in the circular economy, with a special focus on plastic recycling.
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Learning, Teaching, Training Activity MARHER – April 2022
Between 25th and 29th April 2022 the MARHER project partnership spent 5 days in the beautiful town of Offida for the project’s teaching and learning activities.
I-strategies innovation, a project partner, hosted the HeritageMarketing interactive workshop, a learning activity aimed at testing the didactic materials produced by the project to train new professionals able to use the heritage of their territories and companies to promote brands and products.
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I-strategies innovation, a project partner, hosted the HeritageMarketing interactive workshop, a learning activity aimed at testing the didactic materials produced by the project to train new professionals able to use the heritage of their territories and companies to promote brands and products.
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Transnational project meeting ENSURE – April 2022
Last 7th of April ENSURE’s partnership met at the third Transnational project meeting in Graz and hosted by Arge GmBH’s.
This Meeting was focused on the status of the Intellectual Outputs of the project, concretely the IO1 coordinated by Cz&K consulting and IO 2 coordinated by Fondazione Edulife ONLUS.
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This Meeting was focused on the status of the Intellectual Outputs of the project, concretely the IO1 coordinated by Cz&K consulting and IO 2 coordinated by Fondazione Edulife ONLUS.
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Transnational Kick Off Meeting OFFSET – March 2022
On 31st March 2022, the kick-off meeting of the project Digitalization and entrepreneurship for Handcrafting VET (OFFSET) took place in Madrid.
CBE collaborates with the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Spain, The Hive Accelerator, Università Politecnica delle Marche, LIDI Smart Solutions and DomSpain – Educational and Technological Services, in the realisation of the project on the implementation of digitisation in the handicraft sector.
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CBE collaborates with the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Spain, The Hive Accelerator, Università Politecnica delle Marche, LIDI Smart Solutions and DomSpain – Educational and Technological Services, in the realisation of the project on the implementation of digitisation in the handicraft sector.
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Transnational Kick Off Meeting e-VET4AI – January 2022
On 20th January 2022, the kick-off meeting of the e-VET4AI project took place online.
The meeting was chaired by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany in Frankfurt and was attended by all project partners: Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A, Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH, ECOLE – Enti confindustriali lombardi per l’educazione., Heltel, P-Consulting .
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The meeting was chaired by the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany in Frankfurt and was attended by all project partners: Confindustria Veneto SIAV S.p.A, Qualifizierungszentrum Region Riesa GmbH, ECOLE – Enti confindustriali lombardi per l’educazione., Heltel, P-Consulting .
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