BESIDE – Blockchain use cases in digital finance

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000089587 TIMELINE 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024 The main aim of the project is to develop innovative and up-to-date training materials primarily for financial operator with insufficient knowledge of new digital financial transaction technologies such as blockchain applications and DLT technologies in general.   OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • To create an innovative online course to train financial sector professionals, in line with European digital policy objectives, on emerging technologies and Blockchain applications in digital finance; • To improve their digital readiness and resilience which will enable them to manage the digital transformation in providing comprehensive and digitally up-to-date financial services to their clients.   RESULTS The expected results of the project are: • Improvement of skills and competences of course participants on the application of Blockcahin and new DLT technologies in the field of ... >

AGORA – Transforming local ecosystems through learning and co-design of regenerative tourism experiences

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000086999 TIMELINE: 01/12/2022 – 30/11/2025 The AGORA project aims to transform the local ecosystems through learning, enhancing interconnectivity between community partners, local (food and wine) producers, and tourism agents, and co-design of regenerative tourism experiences.   OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • To support local ecosystems by interconnecting community partners, local producers, tourism agents and co-designing of regenerative tourism experiences based on authenticity and sustainability; • To enhance the capabilities of community learning centres; • To interconnect ecosystem agents and encourage them to learn and co-design authentic, immersive, and meaningful experiences for the guests that bring forward the uniqueness of each community.   RESULTS The expected results of the project are: • Improved capacity of tourism local ecosystems to become more regenerative through the uptake of sustainable/regenerative practices; • Increased Lifelong Learning (LLL) opportunities ... >

Transnational Project Meeting & Multiplier Event INTEGRATE

22 December 2022 During the last Thursday 15 of December, CBE had the pleasure to welcome the partnership of the INTEGRATE project in the hybrid format final meeting to discuss the final steps to conclude the project and to review the work carried out so far during this last 2 years of implementation. The final meeting was followed by the Belgian Multiplier event of the project, in which we took the opportunity to involve the present partners to introduce their self’s as well as their role in the project and impressions. After introducing and offering a general overview of the project, the video testimonies produced by the partnership were screened, sharing the inspiring stories of migrant entrepreneurs with the audience. The event concluded with a networking aperitif where participants had the opportunity to have a bite to eat, and exchange ... >

Transnational Kick Off Meeting BESIDE

  16 December 2022 We are happy to announce that the BESIDE project has officially started! The partnership of the project, composed by ITKAM - Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, LIDI SMART Solutions, The Hive, F6S and Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe meet last 13th and 14th of December in Frankfurt, Germany at ITKAM headquarters to get this project off the ground! This kick-off meeting has given us the opportunity to get to know each other for the first time in person and to start setting up the necessary aspects of the project and assigning the first tasks. We are looking forward to working hard and carrying out this magnificent project. The Beside project aims to create an innovative course aimed at finance professionals with low knowledge of emerging technologies in ... >

Multiplier Event FAIRLY

13 December 2022 The 9th of December the CBE team presented the multiplier event of the Fairly project in Brussels! The event was a great opportunity to disseminate the project results, raise awareness of the project and a perfect chance for the attendants to learn more about internet frauds and scams, improving their financial literacy! As the project stands to increase the ability to deal with daily or life economic/financial decisions to make the right economic choices and to educate to the “legal economy”, recognizing misconducts, we could prove that in fact, the participants were especially interested in such a delicate subject! Visit FAIRLY project website if you want to check by yourself the available contents online!                  

Second Learning, Teaching, Training Activity ENSURE

1 December 2022 From the 22nd to the 24th of November the Ensure project partnership met in Verona for the second Learning Teaching and Training Activity of the project! This LTTA was essential to test the online platform of the project, which contains the created modules of Intellectual Output 2 available in 5 different languages: English, Italian, French, German, and Hungarian. The platform will be available in the coming weeks, until then, you can have a look at the training course materials here and learn how to grow startups and help startup owners into the Circular Economy field. This second Learning Teaching and Training Activity was held in the beautiful premises of 311, the premises of Fondazione Edulife, and was full of interactive activities and interesting meets. One of these meetings was the institutional meeting with Tommaso Ferrari, councillor of ... >

Transnational Final Meeting FAIRLY

25 November 2022 In view of the conclusion of the FAIRLY project, the 21st and 22nd of November the partnership met for the last time in Brussels at Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe premises to clarify and define the last steps and tasks of the project. During the meeting, the partners reviewed the project activities carried out so far and the materials produced, in particular the Practical Guide for Informed and Safe Financial Choices. A joint strategy was also discussed to continue ensuring the accessibility of the website and the open source platform created by the partnership, even after the end of the project. Have a look at the Fairly project website to improve your financial literacy and avoid frauds and scams online.
