GREENSKILLS4DEAF – Promoting inclusion, digital innovation and green transition in VET through the acquisition of green entrepreneurial skills of DHH students for better skills match with the labour market

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2024-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000246899 TIMELINE: 10/2024- 11/2026 The GREENSKILLS4DEAF project aims to stimulate innovative teaching and learning in VET, targeting both studentsyouth with hearing impairments, as well as, their educators, for the acquistion of a set of transferable forward-looking competences; green and entrepreneurial accompanied with closely related digital skills while promoting the inter-disciplinary cooperation between educaiton and labour market.   OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • To promote transnational sharing, learning from each other and exchange of good practices, and bridge the gap between E&T by involving the labour market stakeholders in the creation of the material as part of the co-design methodology; • To enhance the capacity of VET to provide inclusive, innovative and inter-disciplinary validated modularised-courses for its students, combining green, entrepreneurial and digital skills, acknowledged by the labour market as essential for employment, for ... >

CODE – Accessibility of financial services for persons with disabilities

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000162105 TIMELINE: 12/2023- 07/2026 The CODE project aims to foster the inclusion of persons with disabilities, by granting them access to financial services. Through the tools and material developed, they will be allowed to understand products’ information and the advice they receive from financial institutions.   OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • Increase people with disabilities’ financial literacy; • Support the use of UDL approach for VET training courses; • Improve the target group’s ability to manage their finances; • Enhance the independent lives of persons with disabilities; • Increase the access of financial services to persons with disabilities; • Increase the accessibility of workplace for people with disabilities; • Increase inclusion of persons with disabilities in SMEs; • Improve the training course offer for persons with disabilities.   RESULTS I risultati attesi del progetto ... >

WINE – Wine Innovative Network and tourism Experiences’ promotion

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2023-1-LU01-KA220-VET000160179 TIMELINE: 12/2023- 11/2025 The WINE project aims to create an innovative online course to train wine professionals, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, on emerging environmental threats and the need to strengthen cooperation and skills transfer. The aim is to improve participants' awareness and knowledge of sustainable wine-making practices, harmonise VET competences, promote wine tourism and foster European networking between different type of organisation. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • Transfer of skills, know-how, and good practices for new and future entrepreneurs in Central and Northern Europe who wish to start their own wine production and reach the quality standards of Southern and Eastern Europe. Increasing green skills in South Europe to face the challenges related to climate change. • Innovate and adapt the training offer of vocational training ... >

NextSMEs – Promoting succession planning for family-led businesses

ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2024-1-MT01-KA220-VET000255565 TIMELINE: 09/2024- 08/2026 The NextSMEs project aims to equip family-owned SMEs with tools for successful succession planning, addressing challenges like professionalism, financial stability, and innovation. By fostering awareness among stakeholders, we seek to ensure the longevity and prosperity of these businesses. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • Develop training modules and educational tools that are tailored to the needs of family-owned businesses on the significance of preserving enterprises while providing the right tools and knowledge to ensure the business’ survival. • Support firms in formulating succession plans that emphasise skills and qualifications rather than personal considerations. The objective is to establish efficient strategies that can manage and mitigate conflicts within families. • Promote financial strategies that preserve family control while assuring financial growth and stability. • Address the challenges and complexity associated with ... >

Let Her In International Network Event Tbilisi

17 june 2024 CBE's Participation in the LET HER IN International Networking Event in Tbilisi On June 11th and 12th, CBE had the pleasure of participating in the LET HER IN International Networking Event, hosted by Umbrellageo in Tbilisi, Georgia. This prestigious event brought together experts and international partners from Europe and beyond to discuss and advance gender equality initiatives. Advancing Gender Equality: LET HER IN's Mission and Focus Areas LET HER IN, a European NGO, is dedicated to uniting public and private organizations to create stronger, high-quality initiatives that promote gender equality across all sectors. The event provided a fantastic opportunity for CBE to connect with like-minded organizations, share our goals and values, and explore new international collaborations. The LET HER IN International Networking Event focused on four key thematic areas: Spotting opportunities and vision for inclusion in the ... >

Transnational Final Project Meeting OFFSET

29 April 2024 Celebrating the Successful Conclusion of the OFFSET Project: Final Discussions and Future Directions On April 22nd, the OFFSET Project partnership meet together for the final transnational project meeting at CBE’s premises in Brussels. The event was attended by the whole partnership and was characterized by the enthusiastic participation from all members. This meeting marks the conclusion of a fruitful two-year journey of project implementation. The meeting provided a valuable opportunity to discuss the last aspects of the project, focusing on final reporting activities and the coordination of remaining tasks as we approach the project's conclusion phase. Two Years of Achievements The OFFSET Project began with the ambitious goal of enhancing digital and entrepreneurial skills among handcrafting entrepreneurs and artisans. Over the past two years, we have successfully implemented and delivered valuable outcomes and tools that are now ... >

OFFSET Multiplier Event

22 April 2024 Conclusion of the OFFSET Project: Towards a Digital and Entrepreneurial Craft Community During the OFFSET Project Multiplier Event, held on April 19, participants had the opportunity to explore the key milestones of this ambitious two-year project, which began in March 2022 and concluded in April 2024. The event provided an overview, illustrating the project's evolution from its inception to the realization of its main objectives. The presentation examined the tools developed within the OFFSET project, including an interactive learning platform, a set of self-assessment tools for the digitalization of the craft sector, and specific educational materials for VET (vocational education and training) trainers. These tools are designed to facilitate the digital transformation of craft entrepreneurs, equipping them with the necessary digital skills to become true digital artisans. Success of the OFFSET Project Multiplier Event The event also ... >
