Sheet News 1

Second Transnational Project Meeting BESIDE – December 2023
The 14th of December, Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe was honored to host the Second Transnational Project Meeting of the Beside Project at our premises in the vibrant city of Brussels, Belgium.
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EFEN Network Brokerage Event – December 2023
On November 29th, CBE participated in the EFEN (EU FUNDING EXCLUSIVE NETWORK) EVENT, held in Rome at the headquarters of Unioncamere. The event was a valuable opportunity to get to know new participants, as well as a stimulating occasion to discuss with the various partners. Numerous organizations and Chambers of Commerce from different European countries participated in the EFEN EVENT, creating a diverse and appealing environment.
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EPPI On Tour Event: AI LEARNS FROM US, LET’S GET TO KNOW AI – November 2023
On 25 November, Cooperation Bancaire pour l’Europe was pleased to participate in the event “EPPI ON TOUR: AI LEARNS FROM US, LET’S GET TO KNOW AI” organized by EPPI – Ente di Previdenza dei Periti Industriali e dei Periti Industriali Laureati.
This meeting took place in the enchanting setting of Bergamo, the capital of culture 2023 together with Brescia, at the Confindustria Auditorium of Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, a leading private innovation hub in Europe.
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Transnational Final Meeting e-VET4AI – November 2023
The e-VET4AI partnership recently concluded its final meeting on November 23rd and 24th, hosted by ECOLE Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi per l’Education in Milan, Italy.

This meeting marked the conclusive milestone in the project’s journey, gathering partners from ITKAM, Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, Confindustria Veneto, SIAV HETEL Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea (FP – LH), ECOLE Enti Confindustriali Lombardi per l’Education, p-consulting and CBE. Together, we finalized the remaining tasks and responsibilities, bringing the project to its successful completion.
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Second Transnational Project Meeting AGORA – November 2023
A transnational meeting dedicated to regenerative tourism for the Agora project was held in Nicosia
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Learning Training and Teaching Activity FIRST – October 2023
From the 17th to the 19th of October, the FIRST Foundations’ Fundraiser and Storyteller project partners gathered in Nicosia for an intensive Learning Teaching and Training Activity. The meeting brought together the project consortium: the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, Emphasys Centre, FOQUS – Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli, Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH, i-strategies innovation, DomSpain – Educational and Technological Services, and CBE.
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Religious Congregations Event: The Management of Financial Resources: Tools for an ethical and effective approach. – October 2023
The Project Managers of CBE moved to Rome on October 12th, gracing the esteemed conference, “Religious Congregations and the Management of Financial Resources: Tools for an ethical and effective approach.” Hosted at the prestigious Pontificia Università Lateranense and organized by Banca Popolare di Sondrio.
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Transnational Final Project Meeting BEYOND CAPITAL – October 2023
The Beyond Capital partnership met for the last time in Munich, Germany, in the last Transnational Project Meeting, held the last 5th and 6th of October.
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Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe – GEIE Operational Management Committee Meeting – October 2023
In a remarkable gathering at the Banca Popolare del Lazio’s exquisite headquarters in Velletri, the Operational Management Committee (CDdO) of Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe – GEIE convened, marking a pivotal moment to fortify collaboration and commitment between CBE and its associate members.

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Multiplier Event BEYOND CAPITAL – September 2023
Last 22 of September CBE carried out at its premises in Brussels the Belgian Multiplier Event of the Beyond Capital project.
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