Let Her In International Network Event – September 2023
The recent Let Her In International Network Event, held in Reus, Spain, from the 18th to the 21st of September, saw enthusiastic participation from Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe. The event, organized by DomSpain – Educational and Technological Services and Open Europe EuroDesk, served as a hub for numerous organizations and their members, fostering invaluable discussions and idea sharing.
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Second Transnational Project Meeting SCALE-UP – July 2023
On July 12, 2023, the second transnational meeting for the Scale-up project, hosted and coordinated by The Hive Business Accelerator, was held in Ancona. Here, important advances have been made on the content and materials of the formation course dedicated to women active in social entrepreneurship and to the trainers and business coaches who will support them in the purpose of increasing their competitiveness and visibility.
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WINning Women – Final Meeting of Women4Integration (WIN) Project Event – April 2023
The last Tuesday 18th of April Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe participated in the final event of the Women4Integration (WIN) project hosted at KVS Brussels’ Flemish city theatre.
The event started with an institutional welcoming by Iulia Barbu Vlachopoulos, Program Manager for Migration and Home Affairs at DG Home, and was followed by the presentation of the WIN project by Roberta Chiodaroli.
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The event started with an institutional welcoming by Iulia Barbu Vlachopoulos, Program Manager for Migration and Home Affairs at DG Home, and was followed by the presentation of the WIN project by Roberta Chiodaroli.
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Transnational Final Meeting FEMALE – March 2023
At the end of March, on the 28th and the 29th, all partners from the FEMALE project met in person for the fifth and last time in Brussels, Belgium, hosted by Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe, for a monitoring Transnational Meeting. One of the core discussions of the meeting was Online Course Addressed to Women: Aspiring or New Cultural Businesswomen.
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Learning Teaching Activity & Third Transnational Project Meeting e-VET4AI – March 2023
Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe travelled to Frankfurt to participate in both the Learning Training and Teaching Activity and Transnational Project Meeting of the eVET4AI project.
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Transnational Final Project Meeting EEE – February 2023
The EEE Project partnership met for the last time in Torino to participate in the Final Meeting of the project hosted by Politecnico di Torino during the last 28 of February.
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Learning Teaching Activity & Third Transnational Project Meeting OFFSET – February 2023
From 21 to 23 February, the LTTA of the OFFSET Project was held in Ancona, hosted by Univesità Politecnica delle Marche.
During these days, the partnership had the opportunity to test the produced course materials together with the craft entrepreneurs who joined us to offer their helpful feedback and useful opinions.
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During these days, the partnership had the opportunity to test the produced course materials together with the craft entrepreneurs who joined us to offer their helpful feedback and useful opinions.
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Maria Ausiliatrice meets Europe! Presentazione dei progetti – February 2023
Last 27 of February the course Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice Meets Europe came to its end.
In this conclusive session, our potential Project Managers shared their inspiring ideas, interests and convictions through the presentation of their project proposals!
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In this conclusive session, our potential Project Managers shared their inspiring ideas, interests and convictions through the presentation of their project proposals!
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Multiplier Event EEE & FEMALE – February 2023
On the last 10 of February CBE hosted the Multiplier event of the EEE and Female project at Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe premises.
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Learning Training and Teaching Activity BEYOND CAPITAL – February 2023
From 6 to 9 February CBE met again the partnership of the Beyond Capital project in Potenza, Italy, at the headquarters of Exeo Lab Srl to participate in the Learning Training and Teaching activity of the project.
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