Second Learning Training and Teaching Activity OFFSET
22 January 2024 The digitalization and entrepreneurship for handcrafting VET sector specialists meet in in Cyprus! From the 16th to the 18th the OFFSET project partnership meet again in Nicosia, Cyprus, to participate in the second Learning Training and Teaching Activity (LTTA) of the project hosted by Emphasys Centre! These productive days provided a valuable opportunity to closely examine the learning materials, modules, and tools created by the project during these 2 years of hard work! By rigorously testing and reviewing these resources, the partnership aimed to bridge the existing digital and entrepreneurial knowledge gaps for VET trainers and business coaches specializing in the handcrafting sector. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Emphasys Centre for organizing this productive encounter. A complete course designed for handcraft entrepreneurs with a focus on digitalization This online course, avaiable in English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, ... >
Second Transnational Project Meeting BESIDE
22 December 2023 Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe Hosts Successful Second Transnational Meeting for the BESIDE Project in Brussels The 14th of December, Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe was honored to host the Second Transnational Project Meeting of the Beside Project at our premises in the vibrant city of Brussels, Belgium. The meeting, held on the 14th of December, brought together key stakeholders and partners for an insightful discussion on various aspects of the project. Participants had the opportunity to engage in face-to-face conversations, providing a valuable moment to assess the current status of the project, evaluate the progress of different project outputs, and deliberate on forthcoming steps. Strategic Discussions on Project Platform Development and Financial Operator Training One of the focal points of discussion centered around the development of the project platform, its functionalities, and the upcoming Training of financial operators. ... >
EFEN Network Brokerage Event
4 December 2023 A partnership building event! On November 29th, CBE participated in the EFEN (EU FUNDING EXCLUSIVE NETWORK) EVENT, held in Rome at the headquarters of Unioncamere. The event was a valuable opportunity to get to know new participants, as well as a stimulating occasion to discuss with the various partners. Numerous organizations and Chambers of Commerce from different European countries participated in the EFEN EVENT, creating a diverse and appealing environment. During the event, the new Erasmus+ 2024 Programme, its objectives and strategic priorities were discussed, in particular with regard to activities dedicated to young people and training. Each organization had the opportunity to present its reality and propose its own innovative project idea, allowing all participants to draw inspiration from each other and explore possibilities for future collaborations. In thanking Unioncamere for their hospitality, we hope to ... >
EPPI ON TOUR Event: AI Learns from us, let’s get to know AI!
30 November 2023 Promoting Awareness of Artificial Intelligence and Opportunities in Europe On 25 November, Cooperation Bancaire pour l'Europe was pleased to participate in the event "EPPI ON TOUR: AI LEARNS FROM US, LET'S GET TO KNOW AI" organized by EPPI - Ente di Previdenza dei Periti Industriali e dei Periti Industriali Laureati. This meeting took place in the enchanting setting of Bergamo, the capital of culture 2023 together with Brescia, at the Confindustria Auditorium of Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, a leading private innovation hub in Europe. In collaboration with professionals from Luiss Guido Carli University, the 'Gabriele d'Annunzio' University of Chieti, MIPU srl, MIPU Energy Data Generali Investments and Consorzio Intellimech, CBE had the opportunity to illustrate the European regulatory framework relating to Artificial Intelligence, a "disruptive technology" on which it is essential to know the associated ... >
Final Transnational Project Meeting e-VET4AI
29 november 2023 e-VET4AI Project Concludes with Success in Milan, Italy The e-VET4AI partnership recently concluded its final meeting on November 23rd and 24th, hosted by ECOLE Enti COnfindustriali Lombardi per l’Education in Milan, Italy. This meeting marked the conclusive milestone in the project's journey, gathering partners from ITKAM, Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, Confindustria Veneto, SIAV HETEL Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea (FP - LH), ECOLE Enti Confindustriali Lombardi per l’Education, p-consulting and CBE. Together, we finalized the remaining tasks and responsibilities, bringing the project to its successful completion. Empowering the Future: e-VET4AI Unveiled at Collaborative Conference Hosted by ECOLE and Zucchetti Worldwide During these crucial days, ECOLE organized the Final Conference in collaboration with Zucchetti Worldwide. This conference served as a platform to introduce and share the e-VET4AI Platform, App, and SAT (Self-Assessment Tool) with students, schools, and companies ... >
Second Transnation Project Meeting AGORA
7 November 2023 A transnational meeting on regenerative tourism for the AGORA project On 2 November, a transnational meeting was held in Nicosia, hosted by Eurosuccess Consulting. Here, project partners had the opportunity to explore the culture, urban spaces and cuisine that the Cypriot capital has to offer, making it a popular tourist destination for its rich history and hospitality. Nicosia was not only an optimal destination for the AGORA meeting, but is a perfect example of the richness and potential of local tourism. Can tourism activities benefit tourist sites? The central element of the meeting was the reflection of the potential benefits of tourism activities in the territories. This resulted in an engaging and passionate discussion, with participants exploring in detail how such activities can contribute positively and significantly to the growth and well-being of tourist destinations. Taking stock ... >
Learning Training and Teaching Activity FIRST
23 October 2023 Collaborative Momentum: FIRST Foundations' Fundraiser and Storyteller Project Gathering in Nicosia From the 17th to the 19th of October, the FIRST Foundations' Fundraiser and Storyteller project partners gathered in Nicosia for an intensive Learning Teaching and Training Activity. The meeting brought together the project consortium: the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Sweden, Emphasys Centre, FOQUS - Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli, Wisamar Bildungsgesellschaft gGmbH, i-strategies innovation, DomSpain - Educational and Technological Services, and CBE. This event served as a platform for these entities to showcase and exchange their produced modules, sharing insights, experiences, and recommendations. The collective response to this collaborative endeavour was overwhelmingly positive, underscoring the fruitful nature of this collective effort. Beyond module presentations, the partners utilized this occasion to deliberate on the project's current status and deliberate the forthcoming steps. This strategic discussion aimed at refining ... >