Transnational project meeting e-VET4AI
21 September 2022 Last 14 of September, the e-VET4AI partnership met in person for the first time at Zarautz, Basque country, in the Second transnational Meeting of the project, organized by HETEL. Thanks to this meeting, the partnership discussed in person the status of the project and the two first project results, which will create the e-VET Self-Assessment Tool (e-VET SAT) for Digital Proficiency and the e-VETrainers Platform and App respectively. As well, the partnership had the chance to discuss the future steps of this project that aims to provide new digital tools to trainers active in mechanical training courses in the development of new digital skills and confidence in the use of new teaching methodologies. If you want to follow the last progress of these objectives, please visit the e-VET4AI website and don’t miss out the published newsletters of ... >
Learning, Teaching, Training Activity SYNOPSIS
16 May 2022 From 9 to 12 May 2022 the Learning Training and Teaching Activity of the SYNOPSIS project took place in Turin, under the coordination of the Musei Reali di Torino. The activity was essential for the testing and revision of the different modules produced by the project, necessary to offer high quality training in storytelling and fundraising in the cultural sector, specifically for managers and staff of cultural heritage organisations, vocational education and training (VET) providers, young graduates, policy makers and public institutions managing cultural heritage sites. These days were also a great opportunity for the project partners to discover the beauty of the city of Turin and the Royal Museums of Turin, with learning activities focused on the theme of storytelling. To learn more about the topics of cultural storytelling for the promotion of the territory and ... >