Third Transnational Project Meeting EEE
On 16 and 17 January, the transnational meeting between the partnership of the energy efficiency expert project was held in Bilbao. During this fruitful meeting, hosted by Basque partner Politeknika Txorierri, the partnership was able to discuss the final details of the project platform and the organisation of the next Multiplier Events to be held in Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Cyprus and Spain! In addition, there was the opportunity to visit the Politeknika Txorierri installations, which include heavy machinery, robotics, AI and VR! Special thanks are due to the project partners; the Polytechnic of Turin, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the P-Learning Emphasys Centre for their contribution and especially Politeknika Txorierri for their warm and friendly welcome to Derio! In the coming months, Multiplier Events will be organised through which the results and objectives of the project will be disseminated. In addition, ... >
Transnational Kick off Meeting AGORA
We are happy to announce that the AGORA project has officially started! The partners of the project - the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Nice, DomSpain, Eurosuccess Consulting, P-Consulting, Green Escape, Bulgarian Association of wine professionals and Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe - met on 17 January 2023 in Nice, France at the CCINice headquarters to kick-off the project! This kick-off meeting allowed us to meet and get to know each other in person, begin to define the necessary aspects of the project and assign the first tasks to the partnership. We cannot wait to start working together and bring this magnificent project to fruition! The AGORA project aims to transform local ecosystems through learning, improving interconnectivity between community partners, local producers (of food and wine) and tour operators, and co-designing regenerative tourism experiences. Through AGORA, local ecosystems will be supported ... >
Multiplier Event ENSURE
16 January 2023 On 11 January 2023 CBE held the final event of the ENSURE project. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the creation of new start-ups with a business model based on the circular economy and to learn more about the validity of the project on this topic. During the event, in fact, it was explained how ENSURE was born to fill the skills gap related to the creation of new companies or the reconversion of old ones, in the field of circular economy, with a focus on the plastics sector. The ENSURE project aims to improve entrepreneurs' and investors' awareness of the possibilities offered by the circular economy, focusing in particular on those offered by plastics. The aim of this project is to foster the acquisition of sector-specific skills and teaching methodologies for business coaches ... >
Kick Off Meeting SCALE UP
13 January 2023 We are happy to announce that the SCALE-UP project has officially started! The partners of the project - Italian Chamber of Commerce for Spain, the Hive, DomSpain, SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education, Fondazione Edulife, European Social Entrepreneurship and Innovative studies Institute and Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe - met the 9th and 10th of January 2023 in Madrid, Spain hosted by CCIS Madrid to kick-off the project! This kick-off meeting allowed us to meet and get to know each other in person, begin to define the necessary aspects of the project and assign the first tasks to the partnership. We cannot wait to start working together and bring this magnificent project to fruition! The SCALE-UP project aims to foster the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by (current and future) women entrepreneurs interested in the social sectors, through ... >
SCALE UP – foStering women’s finanCing in sociAL EntrepreneUrshiP
ERASMUS+ PROJECT ID: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000087577 TIMELINE: 01/12/2022 – 30/01/2025 SCALE-UP aims to foster the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills by women entrepreneurs (current and future) interested in social sectors, through participation in vocational training and the training of professionals who support them (trainers and business coaches). In particular, the project aims to support women entrepreneurs in accessing financing and making their businesses sustainable and competitive in the labor market by raising awareness and training them on the possible obstacles to achieving entrepreneurial goals and running a social enterprise. OBJECTIVES The main objectives of the project are: • To foster entrepreneurial skills acquisition by women entrepreneurs (present and future) interested in social sectors, through participation in VET training and training of the professionals who support them (VET trainers and business coaches); • To support them in accessing financing and in making their ... >