Transnational Project Meeting BEYOND CAPITAL

21 November 2022 On the last 17 of November, the Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe staff travelled to Cyprus to attend the second transnational project meeting of the Beyond Capital project. The meeting, hosted by Synthesis, was a great opportunity to discuss face to face the last developments and next steps of the project and to discuss the current state of the Intellectual Outputs produced up to date as well. The next meeting will take place in the following months in Italy. Until then, we will keep working hard to finalize the required tasks and continue producing the Outputs of the project!

Transnational Final Meeting FINMAN

11 November 2022 On November 8th, the partnership of the FINMAN project met again in Milan at the final meeting hosted by Eurocrea Merchant. At this last encounter, the partners had the opportunity to make a quick recap since the beginning of the project back from end 2020, since today, and define the last steps to conclude it. As well, the partners discussed and evaluated the collected results during the different pilot testing sessions held by the project partners across different European countries.   Thanks to this valuable collected feedback, the partnership had a clear picture of the platform and the utility, quality, effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the developed materials and contents, directly by the users and testers!

Transnational Final Meeting ENGINE

14 October 2022 During the 12th and 13th of October, Coopération Bancaire pour l'Europe hosted at its premises in Brussels, the final meeting of the ENGINE project. At this meeting, the partnership had a recap of all the work carried out so far, with special attention on Intellectual Outputs 2 and 3. It’s been a pleasure to carry out this project with all of you! If you are interested in cybersecurity in the frame of SMEs, the online training course to prevent, protect and react in front of cyberattacks is completely available at the ENGINE Project website.

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Learning, Teaching, Training Activity FAIRLY

17 October 2022 From the 3rd to the 5th of October 2022 the FAIRLY project partnership had the chance to meet again in the Learning Teaching and Training Activity organized by CIOFS-FP Piemonte at Torino. During these three days, the partnership of the project tested the training materials as well as the supporting tools developed in the last months, and the trainees were invited to share their precious feedback, opinions and knowledge to improve these contents and express their opinions about the project. This event coincided with World Teachers’ Day (October 5) and because of it the partnership visited the training centre “Virginia Agnelli” and discovered the centre’s goals missions ad objectives in the world of education.

Maria Ausiliatrice meets Europe!

10 October 2022 Last Monday, 3rd October, CBE had the pleasure of inaugurating, together with CIOFS-FP Piemonte, the introductory session of the course MeetEuropa "Maria Ausiliatrice meets Europe!" at the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute of Turin. During this introductory session, Caterina Bortolaso and Filippo Pelissero, Project Manager at CBE, presented the four modules of the course. The objective of the partnership between CBE and CIOFS-FP Piemonte is to train high school students in the workings of the European Union, offering a first knowledge about European-funded projects and other European Union funding opportunities, in the spirit of active and participative citizenship. Silvana Rasello, president of CIOFS-FP Piemonte, and Filippo Buzio, headmaster of the Maria Ausiliatrice High School, commented on the importance for young people to become aware of all the opportunities that the European house offers, especially at a time when the ... >

Transnational Project Meeting OFFSET

7 October 2022 On Friday 30 September 2022, our partnership met for the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting for the OFFSET project at the headquarters of our partner LIDI Smart Solutions in The Hague. During the meeting, some aspects related to project management were discussed, and a review of the content produced so far, particularly the training course materials, was carried out. The partnership was very pleased with the work done and the impact the materials will have as a source of knowledge and inspiration for current and future entrepreneurs in the craft sector on their path to digitizing their professions. We invite you to follow our progress, especially on our website to keep updated on all developments in the creation of the learning platform.
