Learning Teaching Activity & Third Transnational Project Meeting e-VET4AI

07 March 2023 Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe travelled to Frankfurt to participate in both the Learning Training and Teaching Activity and Transnational Project Meeting of the e-VET4AI project. This LTTA brought together teachers and educators of the mechanical field to participate in numerous workshops, such as the visit to Germany's largest airport operator to participate in a workshop on the company's training process, a guided visit to the "learning factory" of the Darmstadt Technical University's Center for Industrial Productivity and the 4.0 Center for Small and Medium Enterprises to discover more about designing and optimizing production processes through  Industry 4.0 technologies! As well, the participants participated in a round table discussion to evaluate and offer their inputs in the design of the e-VET SAT and e-VETrainers Platform and App.   The LTTA was then followed by a Project Meeting that ... >

Transnational Final Project Meeting EEE

03 March 2023 The EEE Project partnership met for the last time in Torino to participate in the Final Meeting of the project hosted by Politecnico di Torino during the last 28 of February. With the conclusion of the project, the project results are finally available including: • The EEE CV Framework, a comprehensive document outlining the competencies needed among the technical, digital, entrepreneurial and financial skills selected by the partnership. • The Training course for trainers to transfer Energy Efficiency professionalism to the target. • An Interactive Geographical Map of Best Cases of energy efficiency practices in the construction sector, applied to enterprises in the EU.   If you want to learn how to become an Energy Efficiency Expert visit the project website.

Learning Training and Teaching Activity & Third Transnational Project Meeting OFFSET

27 February 2023 From 21 to 23 February, the LTTA of the OFFSET project was held in Ancona, hosted by Univesità Politecnica delle Marche. During these days, the partnership had the opportunity to test the produced course materials together with the craft entrepreneurs who joined us to offer their helpful feedback and useful opinions. As well, this event showed up as a perfect opportunity for the partnership to discuss the future strategies to implement the project activities during the following Transnational Project Meeting held on the 24, immediately after the conclusion of the LTTA.       

Maria Ausiliatrice meets Europe! Presentation of projects

1 March 2023 Last 27 of February the course Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice Meets Europe came to its end. In this conclusive session, our potential Project Managers shared their inspiring ideas, interests and convictions through the presentation of their project proposals! No more and no less than 8 groups shared their project ideas which included the visual identity, an international partnership, tasks assignment and even a budget! We were amazed by the creativity and talent of the students! We had the opportunity to explore a large range of interesting subjects and topics: conservation of natural areas, sustainable packaging production, inclusive education, promotion and boost of European products… Congratulations to all of you!     It's been fantastic to have shared these days with you, and we are looking forward to keeping promoting European opportunities with the younger generations! We hope you ... >

Multiplier Event EEE & FEMALE

17 February 2023 On the last 10 of February CBE hosted the Multiplier event of the EEE and Female project at Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe premises. With this event, CBE had the opportunity to make known these projects by sharing their aims, objectives as well as the numerous results carried out, which include an Online course targeting young and would-be women entrepreneur, a Cultural Entrepreneurship Map of Europe and a CV Framework outlining the competencies needed among the technical, digital, entrepreneurial and financial skills among others. The project presentation was then followed by an informal networking aperitif in which the participants had the opportunity to get to know each other while having a glass of wine. We would like to thank all the participants for their attendance and interest on the subjects covered during this event.      

Learning, Teaching, Training Activity BEYOND CAPITAL

13 February 2023 From 6 to 9 February CBE met again the partnership of the Beyond Capital project in Potenza, Italy, at the headquarters of Exeo Lab Srl to participate in the Learning Training and Teaching activity of the project! During this three-day meeting, the partnership had the opportunity to check the progress of the project and meet some excellent case studies. One of these was the contribution of Legacoop Basilicata, thanks to which the partnership had an important insight into the state of the art of social enterprises, best practices and personal experiences. The main result after these days of meeting was the finalisation of the open guide for vocational training institutions, which will allow vocational training centres to offer in the future the modules created in the project for the advanced training of those working in social enterprises, ... >

Transnational Final Meeting ENSURE

On 26 January 2023, the Ensure project partnership met again in Budapest, to attend the final project meeting! During this meeting, the partnership was able to consult each other and begin some of the key activities for the project. This meeting was essential to conclude all the work carried out over these two years together with Chambre de Commerce Italienne de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Côte d'Azur, The Hive, ARGE Abfallvermeidung, Cz&K Solution, Edulife Foundation and Petra Patrimonia Corsica. Thanks to the implementation of the Ensure project, it was possible to create • Training materials on the Circular Economy for start-up coaches/entrepreneurship trainers and entrepreneurs; • A learning platform that includes these training materials; • A self-assessment tool on the Circular Economy and an interactive library.   The aim of the project is precisely to increase and improve the number of ... >
