PROJECT ID: 2019-1-DK01-KA202-060273
TIMELINE: 12/2019 – 06/2022
The MARHER project aims to create new marketing professionals: the “Heritage Marketer,” a humanist with marketing and communication skills who, by enhancing the history and tradition of a company and its products, is able to trigger a value-added generation process capable of increasing the company’s competitiveness and its reputational and value capital. In addition, the project aims to improve the employability of young humanities graduates who, in periodic employment rankings of recent graduates, are systematically found in the last positions.
The main objectives of the project are:
• Definition of a NEW PROFESSIONAL FIGURE: the Heritage Marketer
• Creative and INNOVATIVE TRAINING, able to support SMEs to promote, in terms of marketing and brand reputation, their own history and their brands and products
- Enhancing competences in order to develop the Heritage Marketer figure;
- Creating a training course on strategies and tools for Heritage Marketing, problems and solutions linked to heritage marketing and corporate storytelling
- Creating training focused on narratology and corporate reputation, corporate traditions, heritage valorisation.
• IMPROVE EMPLOYABILITY of low-skilled and unemployed and recently graduated who, in the periodic employment rankings of recent graduates, are systematically in the last positions. Improve unemployed people’s chance to compete in the job market.
• IMPROVE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF EU COMPANIES by enhancing what characterizes and differentiates Europe from other continents and markets: its secular history
The expected results of the project are:
• IO1 includes a GEOGRAPHICAL MAP of Europe to show users simple sheet describing best cases of Marketing valorisation, the storytelling of corporate stories and tradition applied to enterprises in EU in order to use them as show-cases of heritage marketing potential at local/national and international level. It will aim at showing different practices and supporting potential participants in advancing their professional development. Moreover, the consortium will gather open access information on which of the existing models have been implemented in order to successfully apply storytelling in SMEs.
• IO2 is the definition of the guidelines for a skill-set of fundamental competences for the new figure of the Heritage Marketer’s CV. Skills-set means here a combination of hard and soft skills that are necessary to build a series of competences, knowledge and skills useful for the Heritage Marketer to work properly on content to boost brands, products and services. The guidelines for the skills-set will have as a basis the competences identified by the most recent studies on heritage storytelling, heritage valorisation for content production.
• IO3 will consist of the creation of a module learning for the definition of hard and soft skills that are fundamental for the new Heritage Marketing figure. From the point of view of the learning activities, the module will be based on case studies of Heritage valorisation analysis of European firms collected during the project (IO1). The final assessment at the end of the module will consist of the evaluation of a heritage content produced by the students, replacing more traditional methods of assessment (questionnaires, essays etc.)