PROJECT ID: 2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000028120
TIMELINE: 02/2022- 02/2024
The First project aims to create a new professional figure able to represent Foundations at national and international level, to build an interactive and solidarity network throughout Europe and to obtain new funds to finance new activities at European level.
The result will be a sort of ‘promoter 4.0’ of Foundations who, through an innovative training course combining storytelling, fundraising and digital literacy, will be equipped with the practical skills needed to create not only financial but also cultural and social values.
The main objectives of the project are:
• First, with the creation of a new professional figure, able to use fundraising, networking and communication techniques such as storytelling, and put at the service of Foundations to redefine their identity, promote their activities at the international level and boost their collaborative capacities.
• Second, thanks to the implementation of a database of best practices and contact, in the form of a mapping tool, the target groups will be able to interact among them, sharing information, knowledge and starting collaborative projects
The expected results of the project are:
• Foundations’ Promoter 4.0 roadmap: definition of a new professional figure, the Foundations’ Storyteller and Fundraiser.
• Creation of an interactive geographical MAP of Europe to show users where Foundations are located, which fields of action they are interested in, best case activities and ongoing initiatives and, ultimately, provide a channel for collaboration.
• FIRST Online Training Platform: development of an innovative learning module hosted on an online platform. (i.e. MOODLE)