Transnational Kick Off Meeting BESIDE


16 December 2022

We are happy to announce that the BESIDE project has officially started!

The partnership of the project, composed by ITKAM – Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany, Fondazione Luigi Clerici, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, LIDI SMART Solutions, The Hive, F6S and Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe meet last 13th and 14th of December in Frankfurt, Germany at ITKAM headquarters to get this project off the ground!

This kick-off meeting has given us the opportunity to get to know each other for the first time in person and to start setting up the necessary aspects of the project and assigning the first tasks.

We are looking forward to working hard and carrying out this magnificent project.

The Beside project aims to create an innovative course aimed at finance professionals with low knowledge of emerging technologies in digital finance and blockchain applications, in the context of a fast-changing world, where new technologies and digital tools appear at an increasing rhythm having a great impact in society and in the working environments.

Thanks to BESIDE, by offering an innovative tailored course on digitalization and the use of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) the digital readiness and resilience of the finance professionals will be improved, enabling them to manage the digital transformation to provide comprehensive and digital up-to-date financial services to their clients.
