WINE – Wine Innovative Network and tourism Experiences’ promotion

PROJECT ID: 2023-1-LU01-KA220-VET000160179
TIMELINE: 12/2023- 11/2025

The WINE project aims to create an innovative online course to train wine professionals, in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, on emerging environmental threats and the need to strengthen cooperation and skills transfer. The aim is to improve participants’ awareness and knowledge of sustainable wine-making practices, harmonise VET competences, promote wine tourism and foster European networking between different type of organisation.


The main objectives of the project are:

• Transfer of skills, know-how, and good practices for new and future entrepreneurs in Central and Northern Europe who wish to start their own wine production and reach the quality standards of Southern and Eastern Europe. Increasing green skills in South Europe to face the challenges related to climate change.

• Innovate and adapt the training offer of vocational training centers to European standards and train professionals in line with the demands of the wine market so that they can bring new skills to countries where wine production has just started (northern Europe) or to improve the existing ones (central Europe).

Strengthen sustainable tourism in European countries, using wine production as a new tool to create new tourism experiences and thus enhance the territory.



The expected results of the project are:

• Creation and delivery of a vocational training course, his syllabus and a new e-learning platform.

• Creation and delivery of an Open Guide of guidelines on the use of the e-learning platform and course material.

• Promotion and strengthening of European networks between VET sector – enterprises – tour operators for future collaboration through an online interactive map.



1st Newsletter





