Transnational Kickoff Meeting CODE


29 April 2024

A Kickoff meeting held in Nice

Last 23rd of April the CODE “aCcessibility of financial services for persons with DisabilitiEs” project officially started. The latest CBE’s Key Action 2 Erasmus+ project of 32 months.

Bringing together 8 partners from 6 European countries to foster the inclusion of persons with disabilities by improving their access to financial services.

The Kickoff meeting was held in the stunning city of Nice, where partners had the opportunity to meet each other, and organize the first steps of

A 32-month project with an inclusive objective: Integration and financial accessibility

For the next 32 months CODE project will focus on its main objective: to foster the inclusion of persons with disabilities by improving their access to financial services, facilitating and supporting the support the transition of inclusive models and approaches to the financial, banking and business environments.

How will this be done? Through the creation and launch of an inclusive financial training course based on UDL (Universal Design for Learning) principles and integrated on an interactive learning platform!

The project’s core aim aligns with international objectives and strategies, notably the European Commission’s ambitious Disability Strategy adopted in March 2021, which seeks to secure equal access for people with disabilities to employment, housing, health care, and to integrate their rights into all policies and areas.

This first encounter in Nice has set the start for this exciting project, opening the discussion, the first tasks and responsibilities have been assigned. It will be challenging to offer a fully accessible and inclusive platform for people with disabilities, so we will work hard which we will carry out with our best effort to achieve it.

A Dedicated Partnership

The partnership aims to grant complete support for the independent living of people with disabilities.

It was a pleasure to meet the partners in Nice for the first time in this meeting hosted by the Italian Chamber of Commerce Nice, Sophia Antipolis, Cote d’Azur.

The collaboration and enthusiasm displayed by all participants promise a successful and impactful project ahead.
