ENSURE scheda 4

PROJECT ID: 2020-1-FR01-KA202-080583
TIMELINE: 12/2020 – 01/2023

The Ensure project aims at bridging the skills gap related to the creation of new businesses or the reconversion of old ones, in the field of circular economy, with a focus on plastics sector.

The project intends to foster the acquisition of sector-specific skills and teaching methodologies for business coaches in order to support entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs in the creation/consolidation of their business according to a circular economy model.

The main objectives of the project are:

• To encourage the creation of new startups with a business model based on circular economy;

• Producing some collections of best practices and educational materials to teach the business coaches how to lead potential startups into the Circular Economy field,helping them to create and subsequently solidify their business;

• Improve the awareness of present entrepreneurs and investors on the possibilities offered by circular economy, focusing in particular on those offered by plastics CE;

• Supporting the creation of locally based CE startups, with focus on plastic’s reuse and valorization sector, possibly aligning to local S3;

The expected results of the project are:

• Improving trainers competences by offering a testing tool directly linked to open access material and educational materials to teach Entrepreneurial trainers/Business coaches how to lead potential startups in the fields of circular economy, with specific focus on the plastics industry;

• Improve the business ecosystem for startups focused on circular economy by raising the awareness for investors and present entrepreneurs on the offered opportunities;

• Getting a more complete awareness of locally based circular economy startup creation trends, with focus on the plastic sector, exploring the possibility of being in line with the local Smart Specialization Strategy;
