PROJECT ID: 2020-1-IT01-KA202-008375
TIMELINE: 11/2020 – 02/2023
The EEE project aims to develop training that can transfer digital, green, entrepreneurial, and financial skills to building professionals (electricians and surveyors technicians, engineers, and architects) that directly impact the development of more energy-efficient buildings. In addition, the project aims to transfer knowledge about financial opportunities for energy efficiency from public incentives but also from new and innovative financial instruments.
The main objectives of the project are:
• Training VET trainers/coaches/consultant that will be able to multiply the impact of the training to the final target.
• Train the final target (technicians, and SMEs)
• Increase awareness about the Green Deal goals. Improve the institutional ecosystem identifying best practices and replicable models.
The expected results of the project are:
• Creation of the EEE curricular framework of the energy efficiency expert. Definition and description of necessary competences (IO1)
• Creation of VET training materials and methodologies for trainers to support the final target group in their training on energy efficiency (IO2)
• Creation of an online map of best practices related to energy efficiency in the building sector. (IO3)