AGORA – Transforming local ecosystems through learning and co-design of regenerative tourism experiences

PROJECT ID: 2022-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000086999
TIMELINE: 01/12/2022 – 30/11/2025

The AGORA project aims to transform the local ecosystems through learning, enhancing interconnectivity between community partners, local (food and wine) producers, and tourism agents, and co-design of regenerative tourism experiences.



The main objectives of the project are:

• To support local ecosystems by interconnecting community partners, local producers, tourism agents and co-designing of regenerative tourism experiences based on authenticity and sustainability;

• To enhance the capabilities of community learning centres;

• To interconnect ecosystem agents and encourage them to learn and co-design authentic, immersive, and meaningful experiences for the guests that bring forward the uniqueness of each community.



The expected results of the project are:

• Improved capacity of tourism local ecosystems to become more regenerative through the uptake of sustainable/regenerative practices;

• Increased Lifelong Learning (LLL) opportunities for adults focused on improving life skills;

• Increased n. of tourism ecosystem agents prepared to face the challenges imposed by societal demands for sustainability;

• Increased n. of adult educators equipped with the required competences to train adults to develop immersive experiences as a key tool for regenerative tourism ecosystems.





