Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

CBE is an intermediary organization for  Belgium within the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” Programme.

Objectives of the programme

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme  aims to stimulate entrepreneurship, competitiveness, internationalisation, the growth of start-ups and the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises through the transfer of knowledge between established entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs. Young entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs or professionals interested in starting an independent economic activity (New Entrepreneur) will acquire the necessary skills to run a business through a period of stay abroad at an established host company (Host Entrepreneur) for a period of 1 to 6 months. .

If you are a new entrepreneur, you will have the opportunity to have an on-the-job training experience at an SME based in another Programme Country. This will help you to successfully start your business or strengthen the foundations of the business you have recently established. Not only that: you can enter new markets, undertake international collaboration relationships and take advantage of potential opportunities for cooperation with foreign partners.

If you are an established entrepreneur, you will benefit from a motivated mind ready to feed your business with innovative ideas. Your guest may be equipped with specialized skills or knowledge in an area that you do not dominate, perhaps complementary to yours. Most of the experienced entrepreneurs who joined the program were so enthusiastic about the exchange that they decided to repeat the experience.

Who can participate

The New Entrepreneur is a young entrepreneur (who has opened a company less than 3 years ago), an aspiring entrepreneur or a professional interested in starting an independent economic activity.

The Host Entrepreneur is the one who manages or owns an established SME (more than three years) in a country of the European Union.

How to participate

New entrepreneurs and established professionals who wish to participate in the exchange program can apply using the online enrollment tool.

Candidates must indicate an Intermediary Organization (IO), chosen, as a rule, among those active in their country of residence, including Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe. The role of the IO will be that of guide and reference interlocutor for the whole process. Coopérationa Bancaire, like the other IOs involved in the Programme, will have to verify the correctness of the registration applications made. If the application is accepted, the entrepreneur will be able to access the online catalog in which all applications are collected, to identify a suitable partner with the help of the IO. We advise all interested parties to read the registration guide carefully before starting registration (guide for new entrepreneurs guide for host entrepreneurs), in order to obtain all the necessary information before starting.


The “new entrepreneur” will be able to take advantage of an economic contribution as reimbursement of expenses for living costs (food, lodging, travel) which varies according to the European country chosen. It ranges from a minimum of about 500 to a maximum of 1,100 euros / month.

The period of stay abroad can vary between 1 to 6 months. In addition, it is possible to carry out the period abroad in several non-consecutive “tranches” so that the New Entrepreneur is not forced to leave his nascent company for too long.

For more information contact and visit the project website.
