GREENSKILLS4DEAF – Promoting inclusion, digital innovation and green transition in VET through the acquisition of green entrepreneurial skills of DHH students for better skills match with the labour market

PROJECT ID: 2024-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000246899
TIMELINE: 10/2024- 11/2026
The GREENSKILLS4DEAF project aims to stimulate innovative teaching and learning in VET, targeting both studentsyouth with hearing impairments, as well as, their educators, for the acquistion of a set of transferable forward-looking competences; green and entrepreneurial accompanied with closely related digital skills while promoting the inter-disciplinary cooperation between educaiton and labour market.
The main objectives of the project are:
• To promote transnational sharing, learning from each other and exchange of good practices, and bridge the gap between E&T by involving the labour market stakeholders in the creation of the material as part of the co-design methodology;
• To enhance the capacity of VET to provide inclusive, innovative and inter-disciplinary validated modularised-courses for its students, combining green, entrepreneurial and digital skills, acknowledged by the labour market as essential for employment, for people with hearing impairment and their trainers;
• To promote digital transformation, resilience and adaptability of VET through the use of emerging technologies such as the development of the inclusive and interactive VR SIMULATIONS in support of green awareness;
• To set-up the GREENENTRE LIVING HUBs in VET for promoting new pedagogies in entrepreneurial-green programmes through synergies with the labour market, experts, researchers etc. for deaf and hearing impaired;
• To raise awareness, promote an inclusive and safe work place for DHH people and promote the production of transferable, exploitable and sustainable products that can be used not only by students with hearing impairment.
The expected results of the project are:
• Mapping tool and On-spot visits;
• Competence Framework;
• Digital tools: VR and mobile app;
• Living Hubs;
• Inclusive pack & National Business summit.